martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Cold morning of december        
Picture sent from Blackberry Service ©

Despite yesterday we had a party, this morning I've had to wake up too early to come to my father's office.
Here in Logroño the morning it's being very cold. What about in you towns?

P.S.1 I will post soon (i guess) with photos from yesterday's party.
P.S.2 Thanks for the comments.

4 comentarios:

Reg Rodriguez dijo...

looking forward to your photos! :) the mornings and evenings here in manila are pretty chilly but around noon, it can get rather scorching :/


Charleston dijo...

great blog, keep it up

Anónimo dijo...

Great photo!

Ciao Ciao from Rome

The Dandizette dijo...

I'm really loving the photos on your blog, looks like you guys throw great parties too!

Manchester was covered in snow until 2 days ago but after the rain its just covred with slush!
